So I'm finally a legal, semi-permanent resident. Youpi! I have my titre de sejour, le-voilà:

I wrote last year about the ridiculous process involved in
getting my carte de sejour to go along with my student visa in my passport. Happily, this time around the process was practically painless. Sure, it involved multiple metro rides to the other end of town on strike days, paying 50 euros for an official translation of my birth certificate (with my and my father's names spelled wrong...*sigh*) and sure, I still had to pay for 30 euros worth of civic stamps and stand in line for longer than I would have liked. But considering that I managed to avoid getting my chest x-rayed, or getting snagged in the
bureaucratic catch-22s that marked my apartment search, I'm going to call this episode a win.
To celebrate my new froggery, I decided to--what else?--do a goofy, gender-bending, stereotype-fueled photoshoot. The facial hair was skillfully crafted from Nutella so as to not be out-Frenched by the props: a beret, a baguette, black clothing, wine and a tricolor boa (a vestige of the short-lived French World Cup enthusiasm from this past summer). Don't act like you're not jealous--you know you wanna look like a
Foux da fa-fa extra, too.

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